Friday 11 March 2011

Margin Call

The Maintenance Margin Level is the minimum amount of equity you need to maintain an open position. If your equity falls below this minimum amount, Plus500 will execute a Margin Call and close any open positions until your account equity exceeds the Maintenance Margin Level requirement.

Example of how a Margin Call can occur:

You signed up and deposited $600 via credit card
* Balance: $600 (Deposits - Withdraws + P&L of closed positions)
* Available Balance: $600 (Balance + P&L of open positions - Initial Margins)
* P&L = $0 (total profit and loss of all open positions including daily premiums)
* Equity: $600 (Balance + P&L of open positions)

11.30am - you buy 10 Google Shares (CFDs) at $540.00
* The total amount you bought is: 10*$540.00 = $5400
* The Initial Margin that is needed for 10 Google Shares is 10%: $540
* The Maintenance Margin that is needed to maintain 10 Google Shares is 5%: $270

If your equity falls below $270 you will get a Margin Call. Plus500 will liquidate your open positions.
* Balance: $600.
* Available Balance after you bought the Google shares is: $60 ($600 - 10%*$5400)
* P&L = $0
* Equity: $600 ($600 + $0)

12.15pm - Google shares fall to $520
* Balance: $600
* Available Balance: $0 ($600 - 10%*$5400 + 10*($520-$540))
* P&L = -$200 (10*$520 - 10*$540)
* 'Equity' is $400 (-$200 + $600)

1.10pm - Google shares fall to $490. You get a Margin Call and Plus500 liquidates your position.
* Balance: $600
* Available Balance: $0 ($600 - 10%*$5400 + 10*($490-$540))
* P&L = -$500 (10*$490 - 10*$540)
* Equity: $100 (-$500 + $600)

The reason you get a Margin Call is because your Equity is $100 and you need $270 to maintain an open position on 10 Google Shares. Therefore, Plus500 has liquidated your position. Your current balance is:

* Balance: $100 (Balance changes only when closing a position or withdrawing funds).
* Available Balance: $100 (Deposits - Withdraws + P&L of closed positions)
* P&L = $0 (no open positions)
* Equity: $100 (Balance + P&L of open positions)

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