Saturday 12 March 2011

Initial Margin & Maintenance Margin

Initial Margin
In order to open a new position, available account equity must exceed Initial Margin Level requirement. The Initial Margin Level requirement is specific to each financial instrument.

To see the Initial Margin Level for a specific instrument go to the main lobby screen of Plus500 trading platform, select the instrument you wish to view and click on ‘Details’ on the far right hand side of the screen. A popup box will appear and the Initial Margin Level in shown in the top right hand corner of the box.

Maintenance Margin
In order to keep a new position open, you must ensure the available account equity exceeds the Maintenance Margin Level. Maintenance Margin Level requirements are specific to each financial instrument.

To see the ‘Maintenance Margin Level’ for a specific instrument go to the main lobby screen of Plus500 trading platform, select the instrument you wish to view and click on ‘Details’ on the far right hand side of the screen. A popup box will appear and the Maintenance Margin Level in shown in the top right hand corner of the box.

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